I have a passion for colour. Strong colours. Colours that make a statement. Red, blue, orange, purple and, yes, black and white.
Some cameras have a feature called “selective colour” or “one-point colour.” This in-camera feature allows you to take photos that are black and white except for the colour “selected.” For example, in a multi-coloured scene, you can tell the camera to show a colour of your choosing (let’s say red) where it occurs naturally in the scene and to show the other colours in the scene in black and white.
There are several reasons why you might want to take this style of photo. The overriding reason, the one that must be present, is that you have a passion for colour. Secondary reasons for wanting to achieve this type of photographic effect may be any of the following: You are an artist and like being creative. You want your photos to “pop.” You want to make a statement about the importance of the highlighted colour. The colour dominates the scene and you want it to stand out.
Experimenting with different camera techniques and features helps you find your creative self and make a statement about you as an artist.